New Year’s resolution: more sketching


Two programming flowcharting templates from the past.

First, IBM X20-8020, ca. 1970:


The symbols according to the envelope: Processing (A group of program instructions which perform a processing function of the program), Input/Output (Any function of an input/output device – making information available for processing, recording processing information, tape positioning, etc.), Decision (The decision function used to document points in the program where a branch to alternate paths is possible based upon variable conditions), Program Modification (An instruction or group of instructions which changes the program), Predefined Process (A group of operations not detailed in the particular set of flowcharts), Terminal (The beginning, end, or a point of interruption in a program), Connector (An entry from, or exit to, another part of the program flowchart), Offpage Connector (A connector used instead of the connector symbol to designate entry to or exit from a page), Flow direction (The direction of flow of processing or data flow), Annotation (The addition of descriptive comments or explanatory notes as clarification), Punched Card (All varieties of punched cards including stubs), Perforated Tape (Paper or plastic, chad or chadless), Document (Paper documents and reports of all varieties), Transmittal Tape (A proof or adding machine tape or similar batch-control information), Magnetic Tape, Disk/Drum/Random Access, Offline storage (Offline storage of either paper, cards, magnetic or perforated tape), Display (Information displayed by plotters or video devices), Online Keyboard (Information supplied to or by a computer utilizing an online device), Sorting/Collating (An operation on sorting or collating equipment), Clerical Operation (A manual offline operation, not requiring manual aid), Auxiliary Operation (A machine operation supplementing the main processing function), Keying Operation (An operation utilizing a key-driven device), Communication Link (The automatic transmission of information from one location to another via communication lines)


And a later one by the Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) from 1985.