// Lauren McCarthy, 2016-10-10
p5.js working group
The first ever bicoastal p5.js working group took place on September 23. The working group...

// REAS, 2016-10-07
“Performing in Public” Quest
On September 29th, a group from the Software Studio road tripped down to UC...

// REAS, 2014-10-20
Norimichi Hirakawa and Yoshito Onishi Seminar
Norimichi Hirakawa and Yoshito Onishi will join us to discuss their work on 3...

// W, 2014-10-16
Workshop at Sonos Studios
The UCLA Arts Software Studio brought together a team of 8 visual artists from...

// REAS, 2014-10-14
Tetsu Kondo Seminar
Tetsu will join us to discuss his work on 28 October 2014 from 1–2pm...

// REAS, 2014-01-12
Lauren McCarthy p5.js Workshop
Lauren is joining us at 6pm on 30 January 2014 for a p5.js workshop.

// gohai, 2014-01-01
New Year’s resolution: more sketching
Two programming flowcharting templates from the past.
First, IBM X20-8020, ca. 1970:
The symbols according to...

// REAS, 2013-10-14
Lucky Dragons seminar
Lucky Dragons (Luke Fischbeck and Sarah Rara) will join us to discuss their work...

// REAS, 2013-10-08
1/2 Pecha Kucha 2013
This 1/2 Pecha Kucha event (28 October 2013 at 6pm) welcomes incoming UCLA graduate...

// W, 2013-10-01
Interspatial Symposium
The Exploratorium in San Francisco opened on October 11th in 1969 with the renowned...

// nnnnn, 2013-09-29
Visit to the beginning of the Internet
In the spring of 2013, the Software Studio paid a visit to a room...

// REAS, 2013-09-26
Computers at an Exhibition
When we install our software in exhibitions, we leave computers to be cared for...

// REAS, 2013-02-02
Print, Paper, Process workshop
The Studio is collaborating with the Hammer Museum and the Horn Press to present...

// gohai, 2013-02-01
Kickstarter workshop
Stephanie Pereira will give a workshop on how to raise funds for art projects...

// REAS, 2013-01-24
John Houck seminar
John Houck will join us to discuss his work on 25 January 2013 from...

// REAS, 2013-01-12
Nick Montfort Commodore 64 Workshop
Nick is joining us at 10am on 22 January 2013 for a Commodore 64...

// REAS, 2013-01-10
Of Five or Ten Minds about Collaboration
The co-creators of 10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10 and Digital_Humanities get together to...

// REAS, 2012-11-26
10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10
This new book from MIT Press was co-written by Nick Montfort, Patsy Baudoin, John...

// nnnnn, 2012-11-26
Report on the Microwave New Media Festival in Hong Kong
I was recently sent to Hong Kong to represent the UCLA Arts Software Studio...

// REAS, 2012-11-15
Noam Toran seminar
Noam Toran will join us to discuss his work on 27 November 2012 from...

// Tyler, 2012-11-15
Programming in Cinema
As part of the 1/2 Pecha Kucha event on October 30th I shared 10 slides of...

// REAS, 2012-11-06
Microwave International New Media Arts Festival 2012
The UCLA Arts Software Studio is participating in the Microwave International New Media Arts...

// REAS, 2012-10-30
1/2 Pecha Kucha 2012
This 1/2 Pecha Kucha event (30 October 2012 at 1pm) welcomes the incoming UCLA...

// REAS, 2012-10-08
Daniel Sauter Android workshop
On Monday, 8 October 2012, Daniel Sauter will teach his “Creative Coding for Mobile...

// REAS, 2012-04-03
Ben Fry lecture
The UCLA Arts Software Studio is sponsoring the Ben Fry lecture in the UCLA...

// REAS, 2012-03-27
Quayola exhibition walk-through at Young Projects
Davide Quayola will give us a walk-through of his exhibition Davide Quayola: Topologies, Strata and...

// REAS, 2012-02-27
Jonah Brucker-Cohen seminar
Jonah Brucker-Cohen will join us to discuss his work on 27 February 2012 from...